Register for A GreenTwig Class

Thank you for your interest in one of our classes! We have full confidence that you will be both challenged and encouraged as you walk through these areas of life along side others. We have listed the cost of each class below as well as the length of each class. Please fill out the form below and make sure to select which class you would like to register for. 

Conflict Resolution: 8 Weeks | $135/person

Shame: 10 Weeks | $165/person

Soul&Sexual Intimacy: 8 Weeks+Weekend Retreat $380/Couple+Cost of Retreat

To secure your spot a $50 Non-Refundable retainer is required, information on sending payment will be sent after you fill out the form below. If the class you are wanting to be in is full, we will take your name and information and put you on a waitlist.