We Are The Johnsons

Glen&Susie Johnson


I have been a pastor and teacher since 1976. In 1989, I “stumbled” onto Song of Songs shortly after Susie and I experienced a rough patch in our marriage. Song of Songs leaped out at me like it never had before. It challenged me. It invited me to dimensions of masculinity that were way above me. It led me into new “territory.” Soon lots of my seminary students asked me for help with their marriages. I devoted more and more energy on biblical passages that speak to marriage and family. That ultimately led to a Ph.D. in education. Now, years later, I am more convinced than ever that the Christ message and the Bible are God’s gifts for making marriages and families beautiful.


While serving in Brazil for over a decade, God graciously confronted me with some of the deepest heart issues motivating sinful and destructive behavior in my life. Experiencing God’s undeserved love brought me to a place of freedom to offer grace to those who struggle with shame and guilt. Through many teaching and informal counseling opportunities, I learned to help people face the most painful and shameful secrets that hold them captive. Witnessing the gospel generate confession, forgiveness and freedom has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I am more and more convinced that the atoning work of Jesus Christ really is the answer to everything.


“Led by the Bible, informed by social sciences
— Glen Johnson



As clients relate experiences of deep pain inflicted on them, or deep pain they have inflicted on others, we listen intently and ask questions to help them discover what lurks hidden in the “dark rooms” (Proverbs 20:25) of their soul:


1) The meaning they make of their experiences, beliefs that were formed long ago and are often unrecognized,

2) The desires, or motives that drive them,


(3) The emotions that enslave them.


We pursue disconnects and distortions in each faculty of the soul in order to help people surrender themselves more fully to the atoning love of God. Then we help people develop God-centered, healthy habits.



Susie and I approach hope with old bodies. Maybe that helps us love people with young bodies. Anyway, our hope rests in experiencing the rebirth of the soul that is made possible by entrusting ourselves to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

We very much yearn to see less suffering in families.

We want to see people enjoying basic security, significance, meaning, confidence, attachment etc.





Undergraduate - Stanford University

Master of Divinity - Western Conservative Baptist Seminary

Master of Theology - Western Conservative Baptist Seminary

Ph.D. - Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Christian Conciliator Certification - Peacemaker Ministries



Undergraduate - University of Puget Sound

Graduate courses - Western Conservative Baptist Seminary

Christian Conciliator Certification - Peacemaker Ministries